Chain wire fencing is a safe and inexpensive way to add security to your home. Setting up and installing a chain wire fencing is not as difficult as you might think.
Growing up in the country, my family kept us roaming children with a chain wire fencing. It may not have been as pretty as some of the more decorative ones out there, but it was simple and effective. I have many memories of climbing and eventually jumping over the fence and the good news is that it is actually easy to set up, with a little planning.

What you will need
hole digger
Bolts truck
Wire fence and accessories

Step 1 – Frames and the Plan
A chain wire fencing is made up of three main elements: posts, coils of wire, and gates. The first step is to plan your fence design. This includes not only where the primary corner posts are, but also where you will be putting the gates. The corner posts and gate are commonly called end posts.
Drive a stake into the ground where each of the terminal posts belongs. You can use this as a guide. Corner posts are easy to plan, door posts require a little extra work. Measure the width of the barrier and place a mark on each side. One post will hold the door and the other will have the latch to close.
Step 2 – Configure the Terminals
Using a post hole digger, dig about 30 inches deep and at least 8 inches wide for each post. Center each post and pour it into the concrete until it reaches ground level. Use a putty knife to smooth it out. It is important that the messages are centered and straight. Not only does it look bad to have a crooked post, but it can also make fixing the fence difficult.
Step 3 – Establish the line
Let the concrete in the terminal posts harden overnight and then it is time to install the line posts. The line posts are the posts that go between the terminal posts. Connect a string between the terminal posts to help center and measure the line posts. These have to be in direct line with the terminal posts or else it will be an eyesore and difficult to put up the fence.
Measure the distance between the posts and check post clearance chart for your specific fence. The general rule of thumb is to have posts every 10 feet, but it can vary depending on the size of the fence. Mark each point with a stake and then dig about 24 inches deep and 6 inches wide. Center the post, and fill it with concrete.
Once the concrete has set, place the tension bands on the posts. The number depends on the height of the post, so refer back to the fence instructions. These simply fit around the posts usually at the top, middle and bottom. Attach the end post caps, these only fit on the top of the posts.
Step 4 – Installing the rails
The rails help to secure the chain link and are placed just below the chain wire fencing cap. Attach the first top rail piece to a terminal post using a cabinet baseband and secure it with a round head screw. Add rail links until you reach the next post terminal and cut the rail using a hacksaw to fit. Attach with cabinet baseband and secure with a carriage bolt. Continue through the rest of the chain wire fencing.
Step 5 – Attach the chain link
It is now time to unwind the chain wire fencing. Unwind the chain wire fencing from one of the end posts. Roll the link along the outside of the fence. Put a tension bar through the first row of the link chain and fix it to the bands that you put on before and attach it with a carriage bolt. Continue to unroll the fence, making sure to take out any slack along the way. Attach the fence to the top rail with Fence Ties to hold in place.
Once the terminal post connections have been made, fasten the link to the line posts and the top of the rail using Fence Ties. Connect every 2 feet on the rail and every foot on the posts.
Step 6 – Hang the doors
The final work connects the swing doors. Place the hinges on the top and bottom of the doorpost and secure it with screws. Attach the door to the hinges and tighten the bolts. Open and close the doors to make sure they close properly.
You have created a safe and secure environment with a chain link fence.

But if you’re looking for incredibly high-quality Chain wire fencing in or around Newcastle then you can’t go wrong with hiring the Chain wire Fencing Specialists. With proven results and a reputation for affordable rates and exceptional customer satisfaction, Chain wire Fencing Specialist is the best choice if you want the job done right.