- The municipalities of this autonomous community will become a key piece in the new decree of building inspection
- The regional government wants that in this ‘ITV’ of buildings the procedures are simplified and greater powers of planning and control are transferred to the municipalities
- According to a building inspection report from the Ministry of Development, 7% of the building park is in a dilapidated, bad or deficient state
They are not as popular or as famous as the ITVs of cars, but more necessary to the extent that they constitute a way to guarantee the quality and living conditions worthy of a home.
The building inspection report is the document that certifies the situation in which the buildings are in relation to their state of conservation, with compliance with current regulations on universal accessibility, and with the degree of their energy efficiency.

This ensures their health and accessibility so that they do not pose risks to their users. That buildings have these documents in order is necessary to access public assistance for the rehabilitation of real estate, among other conditions. At present, the hygienic conditions of the houses are those established by the autonomous and municipal laws.
The draft decree regulating the building inspection report has been published, which will be applicable to any construction or building listed or with some type of patrimonial protection, as well as to all those that They are older than 50 years. Are not included those buildings on which a file of declaration of ruin has been initiated.
The building inspection report will be valid for ten years, but when situations that affect the basic requirements of safety, health and accessibility in such a way that could pose a risk to people, will be necessary to develop a new one, regardless of the date of Expiration of the one in force.
The draft decree includes a series of novelties, among which the immediate nature of the inscription of the building inspection reports registry, which will be practiced by the technical editor of the report from the emblematic platform enabled to the effect, thus disregarding the procedure followed until this moment, which only “delayed registration” by completing procedures and “unnecessary today for this purpose.” This new system makes the building inspection registration an “agile administrative act that facilitates the processing and obtaining of it” at the time of its realization.
The role of municipalities in building inspection
On the other hand, as advanced in the previous consultation , the powers of promotion, planning and control in the realization of the building inspection are attributed to the municipalities, as well as the adequacy of the content of the reports to the provisions of the urban planning regulations Regional referred to above.
What will these municipal faculties be? In addition to promoting control, they are urged to promote the maintenance and conservation of the real estate park included in its municipality and gradually adapt it to adequate quality building inspection services.
The annual list of properties subject to building inspection also falls on their hands, from which they will transfer to the managing body of the Registry; and after the deadline to prepare it has not been provided, the local administration must request it from the owners.

Among the basic content that should be incorporated into the The municipalities of this autonomous community will become a key piece in the new decree of building inspection report is its description as well as its state of conservation, accessibility and energy efficiency.
The first case is essential for the safety of its inhabitants and incorporates such essential elements as elevators, electrical installation, heating and sanitary hot water, that is, living conditions.
On the other hand, it is the same technicians who decide whether or not the building is capable of making reasonable adjustments to make accessibility universal and non-discriminatory.